My photography consists of photojournalism, wildlife, bird life, and conservation storytelling. I also do commercial photography and portraits as well as enjoy creative film photography.

Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, I am currently a student at the University of Vermont studying Geography with a minor in Wildlife Biology. I strive to combine the humanities of geography with the harder science of wildlife biology for a career in the conservation field. My academic focus is on nature-society relations to understand our thoughts, ideas, rules, and relationships to the environment.

Over the summer of 2023, I spent nine weeks on my own in Lincoln, Nebraska, working on a photography storytelling project called Momentary Encounters. I explored local birders' relationships to birds along with my own experiences in a new place. Interviews, journal entries, short essays, and photography make up this multimedia story. The conservation storytelling group Platte Basin Timelapse provided guidance and I was awarded funding from the University of Vermont Environmental Program's Ian Worley Award.

I became the Editor-in-chief of my university's student-run newspaper in 2024 where I oversee the production of all content, manage the finances, and am the face of relationships with the paper on campus. In my sophomore year, I was the Photo Editor for the paper and managed staff photographers, assigned stories, edited photos, and led the group. I also published a few written pieces for the paper during my time as editor. My work for the Vermont Cynic can be found here.

During the summer of 2022, I volunteered for a conservation foundation in Africa documenting many of their community-based projects in Kenya. My photos and interviews were used for their donor communications and other media needs of the foundation.

A crucial point in my photography career was my participation in the School of Creative and Performing Arts summer camp in New York City in 2018. Here I was essentially given free rein of the city to develop my street photography skills while taking a class about photography techniques, in which I also got to learn how to develop and print my own film photos.

I have received awards for my work from the North American Nature Photography Association, the Ohio Governor’s Art Show, and the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards.